

How to Give Your Hamster a Sand Bath

Hamster a Sand Bath

​Giving your hamster a sand bath is an easy way to help keep them clean and healthy. Hamsters are naturally clean animals and will groom themselves regularly. However, they can sometimes use a little help to keep their coat in…

Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes? Unraveling the Truth

Can hamsters eat tomato

The short answer is yes, hamsters can eat tomatoes in moderation. Tomatoes contain beneficial vitamins and nutrients that can supplement a hamster’s regular diet. However, tomatoes also contain compounds that can be harmful to hamsters if consumed in excess. Tomatoes are…

Best Hamster for Kids: How to Choose the Right Hamster Breed

best hamster for kids

Hamsters can be wonderful pets for children, teaching responsibility and providing friendship. With over 20 hamster breeds, choosing the best hamster for kids can be tricky. Factors like temperament, ease of care, size, and activity level should inform your decision. Read on…